Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkins Everywhere!

We went from having no pumpkins (and me pouting about that) to having way more pumpkins than we know what to do with! We always go to Andy's Nursery to pick out our pumpkins and I get lots of cute photos of the kids in their Halloween/Fall clothes. This year, we just couldn't make it up there for several weeks and Christopher ended up not being able to make it with us, so I was pouting that it was the middle of October and I still didn't have any pumpkins. We'll, we finally went to Andy's got our 4 pumpkins - one for each family member. Then, we ended up going to a pumpkin patch about 30 min. outside of Birmingham and came back with 2 more pumpkins. And, the kids have both come home with pumpkins from school, so we now have 8 pumpkins and counting. Rutland is going to be a monkey for Halloween and of course does not want to wear the hood/hat that goes with it. Caroline goes back and forth between Tinkerbell and Snow White. She is allowed to pick any "costume/dress up" in her closet so more power to her. Here are some of the millions of pictures we have taken over the past few weeks!

At Andy's picking out our pumpkins!

 Rutland thought it was hysterical to first sit on the pumpkins, 

 and then try to roll the pumpkins all over the yard,
 and a few attempts to pick up the entire pumpkin!

 Sweet Bella just loves to be wherever the kids are - even if she gets ordered around.

 We even went to Boo at the Zoo one night...
 Snow white meeting snow white mini-me

 Rutland LOVED trick-or-treating and LOVED being a big boy walking around the zoo even more. 

 One picture with the monkey hat on! Yeah!!

 Sweet brother and sister - these days are slowly becoming a little more frequent. 
And we changed into Tinkerbell - a little Halloween costume identity crisis. 

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